Hormone Replacement Therapy - A Chance To Stay Young

Hormone replacement therapy - HRT for short - implies the additional introduction into the body of those hormones that are lacking to maintain normal hormone levels. Modern medicine actively uses HRT, including menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause is reduced to the fact that the required amount of sex hormones is introduced into the female body to maintain the hormonal background that changes during this period at a relatively constant level. 


Advantages of hormone replacement therapy services texas

  • The osteoporosis condition of women can be prevented in a better manner as a result of which bone loss due to excessive body weight and calcium deficiency can be prevented.

  • The critical and irritating menopause conditions in women can be reduced to a great extent like vaginal dryness, painful or unpleasant intercourse, itchiness, or others. Other symptoms are also being reduced like night sweats, anxiety, hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, and more.

  • Different kinds of skin diseases and aging troubles can also be eliminated or reduced in this manner.

  • Unnecessary abdominal pain can also be reduced and the blood circulation throughout the body can be well-promoted along with the maintenance of heartbeats and nerve movements.

  • Collagen levels can be increased within your skin which helps in preventing the drying up of your skin unnecessarily which might cause skin cracking, dark patches

  • s, or others.

Who Should Consider Hormone Therapy?

Despite the wellness risks, systemic estrogen is still the most efficient treatment for menopausal symptoms. The benefits of Hormone replacement therapy services in Texas may outweigh the risks if you are healthy and:

Have moderate to severe hot flashes or other symptoms of menopause 

Lost bone mass and either cannot tolerate or do not use other treatments

Discontinued periods before age 40 (premature menopause) or loss of normal ovarian function before age 40 (premature ovarian failure)

Women who experience early menopause, especially those who have had their ovaries removed and who are not taking estrogen therapy until at least 45 years of age, have a higher risk of:


       Heart disease;

       Parkinson's symptoms (parkinsonism);

       Anxiety or depression;

Your age, type of menopause, and time after menopause play a significant role in the risks associated with hormone therapy. Talk to your doctor about your risks.

Is hormone replacement therapy harmful?

 Like any medication, HRT has side effects. But they are not as horrible as homophobes are trying to imagine. In men, the main fear holding back from correcting testosterone levels is the fear of developing prostate cancer. However, most studies disprove the link between this disease and HRT.

 As for women, the risk of developing malignant tumors of the breast and pelvic organs does exist. But it increases only with prolonged use of hormone replacement drugs - with continuous therapy for over 15 years. The risk of any complications increases in heavy smokers and overweight patients.

 The disadvantage of hormone treatment is a significant deterioration in the quality of life after their cancellation. An organism accustomed to the intake of active substances from the outside is rarely able to return to their natural production.

To have expert consultation for HRT, schedule your appointment now. A simple Google search for “Hormone Replacement Therapy Services in Texas” should be able to help you find out some good options. 
